This functionnality does not exist out of the box. But there is a way to do it by using Print option of the brower. You will find above process to print a beautiful pdf.
- Add a button link in your document which call the same document but with a parameter tmpl=component. Name it “Preview Before Printing”.
- Add a parameter tmpl, tmpl=component. This parameter is important and should be create as a parameter, this parameter in the link will remove all css around the document (Menu, logo…). Moreover this parameter can be used to hide or display (a title for example)
- Add some text for title, hide Button “Preview Before Printing” by testing the value of tmpl.
- Add a custom code to display a button to launch browser printing :
<button class="button button4"
If needed you can add some specif css for the button in css sheet :
.button1 {
background-color: white;
color: black;
border: 2px solid #4CAF50;
- Manage page break by adding the code below where needed :
<p id="ii_page_break" style="page-break-after: always;"> </p>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("div[class*='ii-grid-item-1c445472-a2a3-11eb-bb3d-0242ac240002']", window.parent.document).before(jQuery("#ii_page_break"));
That’s it ! you should have all necessary information to build beautiful pdf in ignimission
In parallel you can use print.css file to build beautiful print, more on