How to export in pdf

This functionnality does not exist out of the box. But there is a way to do it by using Print option of the brower. You will find above process to print a beautiful pdf.

  1. Add a button link in your document which call the same document but with a parameter tmpl=component. Name it “Preview Before Printing”.
  2. Add a parameter tmpl, tmpl=component. This parameter is important and should be create as a parameter, this parameter in the link will remove all css around the document (Menu, logo…). Moreover this parameter can be used to hide or display (a title for example)
  3. Add some text for title, hide Button “Preview Before Printing” by testing the value of tmpl.
  4. Add a custom code to display a button to launch browser printing :
<button class="button button4" 

If needed you can add some specif css for the button in css sheet :

.button1 {
  background-color: white; 
  color: black; 
  border: 2px solid #4CAF50;
  1. Manage page break by adding the code below where needed :
<p id="ii_page_break" style="page-break-after: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("div[class*='ii-grid-item-1c445472-a2a3-11eb-bb3d-0242ac240002']", window.parent.document).before(jQuery("#ii_page_break"));

That’s it ! you should have all necessary information to build beautiful pdf in ignimission

In parallel you can use print.css file to build beautiful print, more on